AI Playground

AI Playground

We're excited to share our newly launched AI Playground, a platform where we're exploring simple AI use cases, powered by AWS Bedrock.


New York, NY

Welcome to AI Playground!

We're excited to share our newly launched AI Playground, a platform where we're exploring simple AI use cases, powered by AWS Bedrock.


πŸ€” What's Inside?

  • Easy-to-understand AI demonstrations
  • Basic yet impactful applications of Generative AI
  • A glimpse into AWS Bedrock's integration


πŸ› οΈ A Work in Progress

This is just the beginning. We plan to expand and enhance the AI Playground over time, adding more features and capabilities. Your feedback will be a crucial part of this journey, helping us refine and improve.


🀝 We Invite Your Input

As you explore our platform, we'd love to hear your thoughts. Let us know what works, what doesn't, and what you'd like to see in future updates.
Stay tuned for more!


Language Teacher

"Language Teacher" is an AI-powered web service that generates sentences in a user-selected language, tailored to their specified proficiency level. Users translate these sentences into English, and the service evaluates the accuracy of their translations. It then provides feedback to help users improve their language skills. It includes reading, writing and listening exercises to enrich the learning experience.


Spam Fixer

AI-powered tool that analyzes the text of emails, identifying and highlighting words that are commonly marked as spam. It then intelligently rephrases the email to remove these spam-indicative words, ensuring the email's core message remains intact. This process helps in reducing the likelihood of emails being filtered into spam folders, improving communication efficiency and deliverability.



Avatar Builder

Avatar Builder is a digital service designed to create customized avatars based on user preferences. By inputting specific parameters like gender, hair length, hair color, and other physical features, users can personalize their virtual representation. The AI model processes these inputs and generates a unique image of a person that aligns with the provided specifications.



Web Page Summarizer

The "Web Page Summarizer" is an online tool that allows users to input a website URL, from which it extracts the main text content. It then employs an LLM to analyze this text, identifying key themes and important information. The service efficiently condenses this content into a brief, coherent summary, providing users with the essential points and insights from the original webpage without the need for extensive reading.



Landing Page Designer

"Landing Page Designer" is a service that uses generative AI to create basic HTML layouts for landing pages. Users input details about their company, and the AI generates a simple design that aligns with these inputs. Users can then view the generated HTML code and copy it for further use.



Data Generator

This service enables users to create custom datasets by defining specific data requirements. Users can specify various fields and assign data types to each field. Based on these inputs, the service generates a tailored dataset that adheres to the provided specifications. Additionally, it offers an API endpoint, allowing users to easily query and retrieve the generated data for their applications or projects.


  • Language Teacher
  • Spam Fixer
  • Avatar Builder
  • Web Page Summarizer
  • Landing Page Designer
  • Data Generator
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